
I love road trips! My friends and I once drove 18hrs to New Orleans to celebrate Mardi Gras and 20hrs later we headed home, it was awesome. This time I convinced some girlfriends, Tamsin and Sara, to head to Fairbanks to check out the World Ice Championships, visit Chena Hotsprings and go to the Northpole. I had been warned that the roads could be trecherous as could the weather but we were blessed with clear roads and fantastic weather. Aaron, I thought you might enjoy this bumper made out of duct tape :)!
It was quite cold but not as bad as it could have been, thank goodness. The sculptures were amazing, the details in them lifelike. My pictures don't do them justice but I hope you enjoy them.

Nice pictures, Nathania.
How much colder could it have been?? The ice sculptures weren't melting, were they?
Did you post the top picture in a different way that the other two? I can click on the top and get a larger view but I can't do that on the bottom ones. What's up with that?
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