Eagle River Triathlon - June 11, 2006

Triathlons are fun, really...I just couldn't breath very well hence the look of agony on my face. I won't lie, it was a rough race and I have never been so glad to see the finish line in all my life! We swam 500m, biked 12 miles and ran 3.1 miles so very similar to the Gold Nugget however the bike ride was all hills and nearly killed my poor legs. They kindly put the largest and longest hill at the end...I'm so glad I had a road bike (I got a brand new one, it's delicious to ride!!!!) or I think profanities my have ensued if I had been riding my faithful but cumbersome mountain bike.
Our fan club of one, my good friend Tamsin took these
action shots of us. There's also a cute one of my butt going by on my bike but you'll be spared that horrible vision since I don't know how to get video on this thing ( thank goodness)!

are those ankles?? and I thought you said you had kankles??
OK - two triathlons in less than a month. Way too impressive. Perhaps I'll start a new kinds of triathlon over here...500m of stroller walking, 1.5 miles of power walking with a baby carrier, 3 miles of walking while pulling a wagon :) Congrats on a job well done!
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