Guess who...?
Isn't she cute! She still is when she's not making faces and she's gonna kill me when she sees these but that's OK. Still not sure who it is? This next one should help you. If not, keep on looking.

That's right, it's my little sis Sarah and she's graduating this Saturday from Calvin College with a degree in Speech Pathology. If you see her give her a big congratulations!!!!

One of my favorite pictures of Sarah, kissing her guns. Congratulations Sarah!!! Wish I could be there, love ya! Your big sis.

these are painful to see...but I like it! But now I have a wonderful idea for when something big happens to you!!!
very cute
that cute was from me!!
a student fixed our computer...cost us big bucks ...and so some of the settings are a bit different.
how was the triathlon??
you need to update ASAP!!
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