A day in the life...
Nothing fancy, just a smattering of my thoughts and adventures here in the last frontier.
Tuesday, May 30
Monday, May 29
Thursday, May 25
Monday, May 22
Gold Nugget Triathlon
Sarah and I just got back from a potluck/rewards ceremony for the Gold Nugget Triathlon where I got a big surprise. Big surprise!! I placed 5th in my age group, that would be the 30-34 group and 55th overall!!!! I couldn't believe it. I was hoping to make the top 100, I just didn't expect to be that high. Tomorrow I'm going road bike shopping!!! Sarah and I are doing another triathlon in June, it's addicting! Sarah did awesome and it was so cool to be able to do it with her. She was 13th in her age group (20-24, so young) and 281 overall!!! (There were 1200 entrants total). She rocks and had a fantastic swim time of 6:35, totally killing me... You go girl! I'm hoping to glean some swimming tips while she's here, primarily on those darn flip turns. I like to shoot myself to the bottom of the pool after flipping which is painful in the shallow end and life threatening in the deep end as I usually run out of air before surfacing like a sub. Sarah finds it quite amusing...
Sunday, May 21

The weather couldn't have been better, 60's and sunny, although it was a little chilly on the bike (I lost feeling in my toes) but nice overall and my toes survived! The cake needs a little explaining, my awesome roommate Alicia made it for me as a congratulations on finishing, she's so nice. I've loved Strawberry Shortcake since I was little (I still have all my dolls, the Garden House, etc...) so that's what's up with the cake and it is delicious. Some friends got some action shots so as soon as I snag those I'll add them. Have a good one.

So yes, Sarah and I just completed (survived) our first triathlon =) and we both did well. Sarah doesn't even look tired does she? She got up here on thursday and will be doing a speech internship at the hospital that I work at so I'm stuck with her til July...actually I'm very excited that it all worked out and we get to hang out for 2 months. I'm dragging her everywhere this summer and since she survived the triathlon I think we're going to do another one in June.